Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Through the Years


It's your very first hours
Not even a day old
Your eyes a close shut
and your cries uphold

You've grown up slightly
At a mere age of five
Life is unbeatable
Not a worry under the sky

Now you're nine years old
And you pray to your god
For he is your leader
He is your all

Three years later
And  you've lost all that fact
Cold fact hits hard
Nothing you're used to

You're eyes are hard
Defiance in your stance
Cause you're sixteen
And fighting to get free

Standing outside
In your own little world
You're nineteen and counting
All lone in the world

Twenty three and life couldn't be better
You've got a job
You've got a lover
You couldn't be freer

You've counted the years
Now you stand at thirty
A wife and kids
Not to mention the house

You're starting to understand
'Cause you're thirty five and accepting
The pain of your parents
For you and your brother

Fourty eight and your first kid's off to college
The fear and the reluctance
But you stand there and wave
A last goodbye for their first college days

You're now in your fifties
But you're happy as can be
With bright, loving children
And understanding parents

You're sixty three and still strong and alive
You're in a competition
With you're parents in life
Because three grandchildren need attention and love

Seventy six and here you're still counting
Watching through the window
With warm bright eyes
Waiting to catch one of those smiles

You're mother and father are old
But still quiet happy
You fear they'll leave soon
After you're happy eighty fourth birthday

Ninety two with five beautiful grand children
They come visit often
For some great grandmother chocolate
And grandfather played music

A hundred and one
You can feel you're breath slip away
It's time for you to go now
Where your spouse awaits

P.S. We were  talking about beatings earlier in class. I just want to say that I'm perfectly okay and nothing too bad has happened despite what I said. I was going to start talking about how it was probably the affect of my grandparents but I never got there n-n;;

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