Friday, October 1, 2010

Reality vs Ideal [Original version]

School. Growing up you hear people say that school is great. School is amazing. In some aspects yes, school is a good place. In others views, not so much. Learning should be fun, something one enjoys not detest. So why is it that me and and so many others wake up in the morning grumbling, not wanting to show up at the school building?

Face it. It's right there in your face. A problem that pops out straight away. These problems are tangible. Student and against student. Fights. People who cause some to walk around worried. Bullies. Now, I'm not fond of the term. The sound just doesn't sit well with me. But it is the word that most use to label those who hurt others, whether it be physical or emotional. They do exist. It may not seem like it, but they do. Smirks carved into the memories of some. Sadly, sometimes students will be pushed so far off the edge to the point of depression and even causing some to commit suicide. Not exactly a pleasant thought.

Aside from the more depressing points. For those who don't have to go through all that. Great. But maybe you are facing other problems. Like, getting new friends. Fitting in. I understand that feeling. It's hard for some to move away and expand a close circle of friends. It's worse when you're a loner. Of course there is work and how some have a harder time then others, but I would be more concerned by the amount of sleep students get. I myself stay up late to finish home. Then I get up at five in the morning to get ready. As still growing teenagers, we need more sleep. I fall asleep during tests, force myself to stay awake in class.

So what if school was different. Because I'm pretty sure I shouldn't feel like I'm in a prison. And I don't always. Sometimes it's good. Learning things should be fun. The student body should really be one student body. Not groups that are like the shattered pieces of a mirror. Walking around should be freeing, calming and not about scarring thoughts. I personally wouldn't like wandering around like that. I think many would also like it if teachers would fully listen through. Some tend to cut us off, and others assume things that may or may not be true. If we're not comfortable talking to a teacher, we still have friends. But why must we all stick to just one group? The student body should be one, not be many groups scattered around like broken shards of a mirror. Personally, I can't name a bunch of stuff that I would want to change easily, but I'm sure there are more that could be named.

Now, I'm a student, and I consider myself a lucky one. Lucky because I'm still alive, healthy, fine. Because I am not a main target of harassment and violence. Teasing and harsh words. Because I am not walking in my own personally torture chamber. But I'll tell you a little something. I've had my share of hardships. I found being at school and being around my friends made things easier for me.

I've sat and listened to fights between my family. I've cried alone and I've cursed at the wall. Felt the distance between my and my parents and wished that I wasn't such a coward so that I would have been able to settle things earlier. That is the truth. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's go through such things.

School has a distinct image. A place of learning and protection. I can't change that image, but I can say, school comes off differently to all of us. I see it as a place that gives lots of work but allows me to see my friends and get my mind off of things. You need to look further than the outside for the reality.


For the second version, click here

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